terça-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2016

Lawful Ownership of IP

A visão negativa da cultura digital libertária vinda do hipermodernismo futurista de Gene Mapper, de Taiyo Fujii, vista num futuro pós-colapso da internet onde as redes digitais são fortemente monitorizadas e controladas por organismos centralizados:
Video from the early oughts rolled past on the monitors. There was a red-faced kid with curly hair wearing a hoodie in a cubicle crowded with toys, then a guy with a bowl cut and old hippie-style clothes hunched over an old fliptop PC.

“These men developed one Internet service after another that violated our rights, especially our right to privacy. Worse still, they ignored the lawful ownership of intellectual property with their ‘Open Source’ movement, which brought billions in economic losses.”

A refilice sobre o movimento de fonte aberta já deve ser coisa corriqueira nos escritórios dedicados a esmifrar todos os cêntimos à cultura através do abuso exagerado dos direitos de autor e propriedade intelectual.

Taiyo Fujii (2015). Gene Mapper. São Francisco: Haikasoru.