segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2005

Nigerian Scam

Recebi um mail de alguém que se diz descendente de Foday Sankoh (se a história não me falha, um político nigeriano proeminente morto) a oferecer-me entre dez a vinte e cinco por cento da sua fortuna caso eu o ajude a retirar o seu dinheiro da nigéria. Tenho só que lhe dar dinheiro para que ele consiga retirar a sua fortuna da nigéria... pois é, recebi uma mensagem com o famoso Nigerian Scam. É uma tramoia tão óbvia, tão básica e tão bizarra, que me surpreende como é que há quem caia nela. Os nigerianos que se dedicam a este crime enriquecem.

É incrível, mas é verdade...

Aqui está parte da mensagem:

"Before my late father death he made me to know as his only son to
understand that he deposited some huge amount of money which he
Made from sale of diamonds and golds and give me as his beloved
son,all relevant document of the consignment Which deposited
(marked) as family belonging, after his death.

I and my mother were able to move out from SIERRA LEONE through
the UNITED NATION CARGO SHIP, that Coven refugee from FREETOWN
to DAKAR SENEGAL, as a refugee. My late father the Biological
left behind physical cash of "Fifteen Million United State Dollars"
which he safely lodged in a Finance Firm,during his regime in the

I am hereby soliciting your assistance to be my foreign partner and
adviser because:

1) I do not know much about investment and we need you to assist me
for investment of this fund in your country because am just a little
boy of low ages.

2) You will be entitled to "Twenty Five Percent"of the total sum,
for your assistance.

3) Your compensation for the assistance is negotiable while "Ten
Percent" of the whole sum will be mapped out for any expenses.

4) After the success of this transaction you are going to make
arrangement for me and my mother to meet you over in your country
for investment of the fund.) I request that you take two working
days to visit me face to face in Senegal for fast Transaction."

O que é que acham? Arrisco?