domingo, 19 de junho de 2005

Post Scripts


Funky 16 corners | The Radars - Finger Licking Chicken, o som retro/farsola do momento

E-books: Accelerando, de Charles Stross, em downloads gratuitos para várias plataformas (menos pocket pc; haverá aqui algum significado secreto, talvez conspiração templária?); em compensação nada de novo no InfinityPlus nem no Fantastic Metropolis(deve mesmo ser conspiração). Tenho de ir ao #bookz para novas leituras (um dia explico).

Encontrei no Blog de Esquerda esta série de links sobre a molécula que ilustra este post:
buckminsterfullereno;buckminsterfullereno e buckminsterfullereno. Se a visão de Arthur C. Clarke de elevadores até à orbita terrestre se tornar realidade, será graças às propriedades dos nanotubos de carbono propiciados pelo C60, o buckminsterfullereno.

Mais neo-memes roubados ao Reality Carnival

NeoMeme 9703: 'The conditions of a solitary bird are five: First, that it flies to the highest point. Second, that it does not suffer for company, not even of its own kind. Third, that it aims its beak to the sky. Fourth, that it does not have a definite color. Fifth, that it sings very softly.' - Carlos Castaneda

NeoMeme 1708: 'There are times when silence is a poem.' - John Fowles

NeoMeme 2230: 'If we wish to understand the nature of reality, we have an inner hidden advantage: we are ourselves a little portion of the universe and so carry the answer within us.' - Jacques Boivin

NeoMeme 5436: 'What matters in the world is not so much what is true as what is entertaining, at least so long as the truth itself is unknowable.'