Uma passagem que espelha muito bem a minha própria aprendizagem nos últimos anos:
"For me personally, the real treasure was never gold, but something far more precious. This maiden voyage of our little robot was a tremendous experience, but my journey started long before that day in the cave. My challenges were more fundamental than any technical design. I had gone from non-existent engineering or design experience to making substantial contributions to underwater robotics. A project that had seemed intimidating and impossible to me only a year earlier shaped me into a completely new person. I had flipped the switch from being a passive consumer of life to an engaged, creative participant in it. I had gone from Zero to Maker."
É este o espírito que se sente quando mergulhamos no mundo da fabricação digital. Uma sensação exponencial, em que cada aprendizagem traz a vontade de ir descobrir coisas novas. E, de repente, damos por nós com projectos inesperados a decorrer.
David Lang (2016). From Zero To Maker. Sebastopol: Maker Media.