sábado, 16 de março de 2013

Quaintly virtual

 "listening to William Gibson respond to a question from Douglas Coupland: “Is artificial experience lived experience? Does artificial memory count?”
“I am inclined to suspect,” Bill replied, “that the thing our great-grandchildren will find quaintest and most inexplicable about us is that we insisted on making that distinction. I literally don’t think that they will be able to make the distinction between what we still quaintly call ‘the virtual’—as though it wasn’t real—and the ‘real.’ I think that’s well in process of completely dissolving and becoming as mysterious as my imaginings of what it was like before audio recording was possible.”" (p. 452)

James Carrott, Brian Johnson (2013). Vintage Tomorrows. Sebastopol: O'Reilly Media

De facto sente-se já esta tendência, em que o físico e o virtual convergem numa única realidade percepcionada pela nossa mente. Será o virtual menos real por ser intangível? É uma questão que a progressiva habituação à mescla entre realidade e virtualidade está a fazer desvanecer.