Faz lembrar a história dos cegos que descrevem um elefante com base no que sentem quando lhe tocam. Mas é uma representação de tudo o que a Ficção Científica representa, encomendada por Hugo Gernsback a Frank R. Paul. Medonho, bem sei. Não resisto a citar a descrição de Gernsback, retirara do io9:
"The symbolization of science-fiction as suggested by many of its components is graphically expressed in a unique illustration on our back cover. The form is that of a functioning robot, motivated by an electronic brain. Its head is Mount Palomar Observatory, and its nose the 200-inch telescope, which gathers light rays billions of light years away and helps piece together the mystery of the universe. Its ears are search radar units which collect the electronic waves of the stars. The trunk of its body is a complex atomic power generator that represents the foundation of our future progress. The right arm is a rocket ship reaching for the stars, and its fingers exploratory off-shoot ships. The left arm is the Hayden Planetarium projector, which brings the stars and planets dose to us and shows us the mechanics of our universe. At the waist, searchlight beams foretell the progress of scientific research. The legs are radio and television masts comprising the structure of modern communication, while the feet are caterpillar tractors capable of surmounting many natural obstacles. The huge crystalline growths symbolize the exploration and conquest of distant and alien worlds. The blazing sun, at left, shows how it appears on an airless planet! Famed veteran artist Frank R. Paul, in his inimitable style, portrayed the idea which was conceived by the editor."
Esta coisa hedionda saiu na capa do pulp Science Fiction + em 1953. Mas devo reconhecer-lhe um certo encanto e um gosto puro pela liberdade ficcional permitida pela FC. Frank Paul fez coisas bem mais interessantes, entre as quais o incónico aeronauta com jetpack que o colectivo de arquitectos Archigram se iria apropriar tão brilhantemente nos anos 60.
(Via io9: Science fiction’s mascot is downright terrifying)