quarta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2010

VR and Creative Imagination: Philosophical Aspects

Angela Bilia (1197). VR and Creative Imagination: Philosophical Aspects

- desenvolvimento rápido de tecnologias digitais com influência na experiência e actividade humana.
- ficção literária como elemento significante da imaginação criativa – fonte do coceito de realidade virtual.
- mudança filosófica de pontos de vista fixos para noção de pluralismo; mudança gradual para uma visão científica do mundo.
- experimentar/interagir/criar o simbólico.
- ciberespaço como espaço criativo, de participação e interacção social.
- potencial dos ambientes virtuais na educação como forma de criar de novas maneiras, interagir de forma diferente com os símbolos literários.
- realidade virtual como forma de interpretar e adaptar a novas realidades.
- carácter utópico da rv, conceptualizado pela ficção cientfica, imaginada como espaço onírico de novas sensações.
The story emphasizes the power of artistic illusion on one level, and, on another, it suggests the need we have to create realities within realities, to suspend belief in one set of involvements in order to enter another.1 It also depicts the uniquely human ability to enter symbolic space through language. We use language to make sense of the world and of ourselves, to communicate with others around us, to create meaning, to negotiate our differences, to form bonds and alliances, and even to dissociate ourselves from
our environment. –(p:2)

By experiencing the breaking down of physical boundaries and returning back to them, our ability to empathize with the physical world and, by extension, the symbolic grows. In virtual reality we create symbolic worlds, we enter them and experience them; we become the symbolic. (p

In a sense, then, the virtual environment can also prove to be a means by which learners can explore the balance between virtual reality and reality in an ever changing world that shapes new identities. As Innis and McLuhan have pointed out, there is a profound relationship between the media of virtual reality and real reality in that people's perception and interpretation of reality is affected by the dominant media. (Innis, 1950; McLuhan, 1964) We interpret real reality in terms of our virtual realities, and our virtual realities are constrained by the media in which they are generated. (p:5)