quinta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2012

Shivering Sands

"I still get asked with appalling regularity "where my ideas come from."
Here's the deal. I flood my poor ageing head with information.
Any information. Lots of it. And I let it all slosh around in the back of my brain, in the part normal people use for remembering bills, thinking about sex and making appointments to wash the dishes.
Eventually, you get a critical mass of information. Datum 1 plugs into Datum 2 which connects to Datum 3 and Data 4 and 5 stick to it and you've got a chain reaction. A bunch of stuff knits together and lights up and you've got what's called "an idea".
And for that brief moment where it's all flaring and welding together, you are Holy. You can't be touched. Something impossible and brilliant has happened and suddenly you understand what it would be like if Einstein's brain was placed into the body of a young tyrannosaur, stuffed full of amphetamines and suffused with Sex Radiation."

"I hate Los Angeles because it is a city not designed for humans.
It is designed for cars. Humans not required. One day it's going to be filled with nothing but robot cars, cavorting on the highways of a city where humans were never ever meant to be."

"October 3, 2008 I am watching with some astonishment an ep of Law & Order Svu in which the dead victim was sodomised with a violin bow. a violin bow. I mean, all the shit that was talked about the "horrible,weird" stuff in my novel: and there on us network tv violin-bow sodomy.
Yeah, I'm the bad guy, but Mariska bloody Hargitay just got another Emmy for tearily muttering "sodomised...with a violin bow." fucksticks. 15 years of "Warren, why put disgusting stuff in these nice comics?" On TV: "sodomized with a violin bow. now look at some doritos ads."
This is how people become serial killers, you know."

"The future is information. The future is about information. It's also about making the word "culture" mean what you want it to."

Warren Ellis (2009). Shivering Sands. International Electrophonic Unit.