terça-feira, 30 de agosto de 2011

Super... gods.

"Those echoes were never louder than in Superman’s Girl Friend, Lois Lane no. 73, which allowed into this fragile world of sanity an image so peculiar that words alone are not capable of doing justice to it. The story inside was tame fare by comparison, but Weisinger’s trademark self-searching ability to transform every dirty subconscious coal into the gem of an idea was never more evident than here. This was a Jungian bowel movement rendered as a story for children. The kind of behavior this primed young boys to expect from their own future girlfriends was more obscene than the blow jobs, boob jobs, and anal entry they now expect as a result of boring old Internet porn. Superman was educating a generation of sadomasochistic swingers with tastes trending beyond the outré." - Grant Morrison (2011). Supergods. Nova Iorque: Spiegel and Grau.