sábado, 1 de novembro de 2008

Capitalismo do Fim

Gérard Courtois/Michel Guerrin:
Do you, like some people do, believe that capitalism is nearing its end?

Paul Virilio:
I rather believe that the end is nearing capitalism. My field is urban
studies. This crisis shows that the Earth is not large enough for
progress, for the speed of History (as we have it). Hence repetitive
accidents. We were living in the belief that we had both a past and a
future. But 'the past does not pass', it has become a monster, so much
so that we do not mention it anymore. And as far as the future is
concerned, it is severely questioned by the issue of the environment,
and the end of natural resources like oil. So the only place left for us
to inhabit is the present.

Paul Virilio, entrevistado pelo Le Monde: Le Krach Actuel Represente L'Accident Integral Par Excellence. Em inglês aqui: Radical Perspectives On The Crisis.