domingo, 18 de maio de 2008


‘If place can be defined as relational, historical and concerned with identity, then a space which can not be defined as relational, or historical, or concerned with identity will be a non-place.’ - Marc Augé

“You could say that at the rush hour when the city streets are blocked by traffic, I can get to Italy more quickly than, say, to the Champs Elysees. I could almost commute; we are now close to a time when it will be possible to live in Europe as though it were one single city. At the same time, we are close to the time when no city will be able to be used as a city; you waste more time on short trips than on long journeys.” - Ítalo Calvino

A informática já não tem a ver com computadores. Tem a ter com a vida. O computador central gigante, o chamado mainframe, foi quase universalmente substituído pelos computadores pessoais. Vimos os computadores saírem de gigantescas salas com as condicionado para cubículos, passarem para as secretárias e, agora, para o nosso colo e para o nosso bolso. Mas ainda não chegámos ao fim. (14) - Nicholas Negroponte, Ser Digital