quinta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2007


If there was a genuine consensus about anything, it was that for the people escaping both left-wing and right-wing dictatorships, democracy meant finally having a say in all major decisions rather than having somebody else's ideology imposed unilaterally and with force. In other words, the universal principle that Fukuyama identified as "the sovereignty of the people" included the sovereignty of the people to choose how the wealth of their countries would be distributed, from the fate of state-owned companies to the level of funding for schools and hospitals. Around the world, citizens were ready to exercise their hard-won democratic powers to become the authors of their national destinies, at last.
Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine

Shift the pieces along an assembly line and the robot won't be able to build a bucket, let alone a Buick.
Gregory Mone, Wired

Raramente questionamos, de forma coerente, a verdadeira capacidade de uma autoridade. Em vez disso, confiamos na imagem de autoridade conferida por um título, por um diploma ou por uma qualquer instituição de acreditação. Em qualquer dos casos, inclinam-nos perante a autoridade que confere a certificação. Torna-se a autoridade em autoridade.
Alvin Toffler, A Revolução da Riqueza