domingo, 2 de dezembro de 2007


"Oxford physicist David Deutsch, one of the founding fathers of the exciting field of quantum computing, later proposed a variation on Everett's idea in which all possible universes already exist within a quantum multiverse. What we perceive as our reality is just a weaving through this vast shadowy multiple reality, creating our own version of events."
Jim Al-Khalili

"Você se calhar não sabe o que isto é, nem eu, portanto proíbe-se."
Censor da PIDE

"And given the considerable growth in the demography of our planet in the twenty-first century, are we not right to suspect that experiments on the industralization of living matter will not be content merely to treat patients and assist infertile couples to have children, but will soon lead back to that old folly of the 'new man'? That is to say, the man who will deserve to survive (the superman), whereas the man whitout qualities, the primate of the new times, will have to disappear - just as the 'savage' had to disappear in the past to avoid cluttering up a small planet - and give way to the latet model of humanity, the transhuman, built on the lines of transgenic crops, which are so much better adapted to their environment than the natural products."
Paul Virilio