sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2005

O metaverso transborda para a realidade

Do site de leitura diária boingboing, um texto fenomenal que eu não resisto a copiar:

From Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash:
[Hiro] turns off all of the techno-shit in his goggles. All it does is confuse him; he stands there reading statistics about his own death even as it's happening to him. Very post-modern. Time to get immersed in Reality, like all the people around him.
And from CNN:
The airliner circled Southern California for hours, crippled by a faulty landing gear, while inside its cabin 140 passengers watched their own life-and-death drama unfolding on live television. [...] [Pia] Varma, 23, and other passengers said the plane's monitors carried live DirectTV broadcasts on the plane's problems until just a few minutes before landing at Los Angeles International Airport.

As vítimas a verem a tragédia transmitida em tempo real. In JetBlue emergency landing: life imitates Snowcrash. Sei bem que não é lá muito ético simplesmente copiar um post, mas este é tão fabuloso que merece registo!